Friday, November 12, 2010

First Thanksgiving Sample Project

This week for my assignment, I had to create a sample project to post on my curriculum page for students to view. My curriculum page, which was created last week on the topic of the First Thanksgiving, will soon be complete not only with the task and pre-evaluated resources, but a sample project and rubric for assessment of student knowledge. Through creating this sample project, I have not only been able to put my expectations in a tangible format, but I have also been able to determine any possible difficulties students might have when creating their First Thanksgiving project. You can view my sample project below.

Now, when I originally planned this project for my 2nd grade students, I imagined that they would create a Thanksgiving story from the point of view of Native Americans or Pilgrims, but as I created the sample project I noticed myself going in a slightly different direction. I found it worked better to research my chosen side (Pilgrims in this case) and present the facts in the different topic areas in more of an outline format. I also think this would be easier for my 2nd graders as this would be the first time they have used Prezi to create a digital story. I was thinking that once students have created their story in this format, they can then take it a step further and turn it into more of a narrative if they would like. This will help my struggling students by providing a bit more structure while still giving the option of a challenge to my more advanced students.

My only concern is that my 2nd graders will view the sample project and use my information as their own, as they sometimes struggle with putting things in their own words. Maybe if I use less detail in the example it would allow for more creative range when they are making their own projects. However, if I use fewer details they will inevitably model their own projects after the example and use minimal details, as well. If anyone has any suggestions on ways to moderate student work while still providing a quality example, please share!!


  1. So, when I first saw your project, I was like, I need to show this to my first graders! Not as something for them to do, just as something to watch, since we are doing pilgrims and indians right now.
    There was so much information on this page, but it was given in a way that I think my students could watch the whole thing. I would need to read it to them, but I think it is just long enough that you could keep your viewers attention easily. I also think the format you used was very useful. You had everything in categories, and I think that would be a great thing for the students to work on. Not only thinking about this project, but teaching them how to make an outline as well.

    The only concern I had about the project was the length. The second grade students at my school aren't really fast with technology, so I think doing a project that long, and with that many facts and pictures could potentially get frustrating. I thought though If you split the kids in half and did half pilgrims and half indians, and then had groups meet and divide up parts like pilgrim food/pilgrim children/pilgrim homes things like that, they might take more ownership in their one little area and put a lot of effort into that, instead of maybe putting little effort into a whole project.

    Now, I have a first grade mind, but I wonder if you divided it and put into groups, it might not be so overwhelming.Otherwise I really enjoyed it!

  2. Megan,

    Splitting up the parts of the project is a great idea, especially if I plan to do it in short amount of time rather than over several weeks. I could then take students' completed sections and combine them together to make a digital "class book." This will definitely make the project more manageable at first, and it will also be a huge time helper.

    Thanks for the great idea :)

  3. Alyssa,

    I really enjoyed viewing your presentation. You did a great job, have you ever used the Prezi platform before? Did you find it easy or difficult to get used to? I was considering using Prezi to do my presentation, but found it to be pretty confusing and decided to stick with Powerpoint.

    I like how you mention that by creating your teacher sample presentation before assigning the project to your class, you were able to determine where difficulties might take place, and that you were able to determine a more appropaiate approach to the layout of your presentation.

    This looks like a very fun and engaging way to teach your second graders about Thanksgiving! :)

    Megan S

  4. Alyssa,

    I really enjoyed viewing your presentation on the first Thanksgiving. It looks like you did a lot of research. I enjoyed all of the pictures you used to go along with your information.

    I did find a couple minor spelling and grammar errors in the section where discuss the actual feast. I think you need to clarify whether they ate three meals in one day or over the course of three days, etc. For me that was the only part that could be confusing.

    Overall, it is a great presentation, though it is a bit lengthy for second graders. I would give them a limit on how many slides or graphics that you would want them to use if they are doing a Prezi or PowerPoint.

    Great work!

